
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Debunking the Ballet Hamstring Myth

I've become much more adept to studying than I was say... 5 years ago. I never studied until the day of the exam, but now I study everyday. I don't do anything except study and go to PCS (the children's treatment center.)

I spent the last several hours reviewing dimensional analysis, and molarity...taking 10 min breaks every 45 mins following perfect studying habits. I decided I deserved an hour break for lunch and came back to where I left off...well, I forgot everything in an hour. Apparently I don't understand it.

Since I'm facing 5 hours in the lab tonight, I'm taking a few hours off to enlighten everyone, especially the misinformed dance teachers and students everywhere. Hold on to your tights!!!!

I took a modern class this summer. Hated it. The icing on the cake was spending 20 minutes discussing how to execute développé and extensions without engaging your quads or hip flexors. "If you engage you hamstring on your working leg, you will increase your extensions because your quads won't get tired (since your working with your hamstring). And have a longer hold time in développé front and a la seconde"??????? um...that's not how it works mechanically.

I have no idea how this teacher believed she was actually extending without the use of her quads or hip flexors. And I've heard this "idea" many times throughout my life and it is impossible. Yes use you hamstrings to lift initially, but they aren't going hold your leg out there. (Like this teacher was trying to get everyone to do.)

EVERYBODY LISTEN. Because I know lots of stuff and no one ever takes advantage of my knowledge. And this piece of information blew the minds of some kids at a random dance studio I teach it  (yes I know I said I'd never teach again, but somehow it happened.)

Pelvic Floor. Martha Graham told dancers "to lift with their underparts." That's exactly it.

Thank You Margie Mack. I don't like to use Google Image Search.

I had everyone lay down, find the ASIS (Anterior Superior Illiac Spine (front hip bones)) and then move medial and posterior into their organs and then literally lift their underparts. Working to engage and feel those deep muscle groups. What do you know?

Kids stood up did their développés and were freaking out. "Do you have any idea how much easier it is?"  "OMGOSH! It's so easy now." "You taught us something new that actually works!"

I used to charge people 45$ dollars an hour to share my knowledge...not just this... I once fixed someone's pirouettes in like 3 minutes before an audition once. But only like 3 people cared so that's why I work at PCS (the children's treatment center now.) But really I can like...fix anything.

 Perfect Split? Give me an hour....well, if you are close haha. If not then a few weeks.

Tear your achilles tendon? I'll get that calf to start firing...

Ok sorry everyone. This was not supposed to be how amazing BioCored and myself happen to be...I just get really excited with how BioCord principles work right away and I cleared up a lot of misinformation. Basically changed those dancers lives :)



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