
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Yellow Sash Styling

Tried to take a pre-test selfie. Didn't turn out. You get the Panda instead.
I am now a yellow sash.

But First. Let's go back to Tuesday when my kicks were so high the Sifu said I shouldn't give up dance. They were so high the sifu abandoned the practice pad and said he trusted me not to kick him in the nose and closed the distance between his face and my foot.

So I was pretty pleased with myself. My kicks were going to be so high for the test.

And Friday came around and put on my Kung Fu uniform, which I never wear. See the pants are supposed to be considerably baggy to allow optimal movement. Well I went down a size because I thought they would be cuter a little more form fitting.

Donning the white sash...I haven't worn it since they gave it to me in December. And it was so cute to wear! (Why haven't I been wearing it?) I tied a half bow and let the tails hang long. I wasn't really used to the feeling of extra layers cinching in my transverse abs. (I kept having phantom seat belt syndrome the whole ride to the school.)

Blue scarf. Red Shoes. And I even did my hair like Harry Styles with a total bling hairband.

Bringing Fashion to Kung Fu.

Ok, well I had to loose the scarf and the red flats for the test. But I did roll up the sleeves cheerleader style. Fashion Forward Always.

It was also like 80 degrees that day. My already to snug Fu pants were clinging to my legs. And we had to do front stretch kicks first. And that is how I lost 25% of range of motion in the first exercise.

Then we paired up for form applications. I paired with RB, who I have never fought before. And in the first exercise nearly broke his wrist. Well I made it through form apps with with only minor bruises, and then the form.

I remembered it. Thank goodness but somehow started in the center and finished off into the far left corner...(pretty sure we supposed to end where we start.)

The visting master said my only issue were my stances being way too big. But hey this is Kung Fu, I'm working in my full Kinesphere here.

I got my yellow sash. I looked amazing while doing it. That is all that matters.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Back to Kung Fu

I took a two week hiatus from Kung Fu.

I dragged myself back in last night. My heart wanted to be at Kung Fu, but not really my brain.

So we started with line basics, stances. Oh, and guess what? We test again next week. They said if I "pass," (pshhh, why would they not pass me?) I would be advancing to yellow sash. How cute! I love yellow :)

I asked S, "So if I rank up every six months, I'll be a black sash in what, like... three years."

I try to keep my outfits interesting at Kung Fu. Harem and high tops :)
Apparently not so. He gave me five to six years out if I really dedicate myself. Apparently it gets harder every rank advancement. I'm hoping/planning on getting that black sash. It's going to be the first line on my resume underneath my name..."Master of Kung Fu," (Awesome conversation starter in job interviews :)

We partnered up for form applications and I decided to pair up with SG, who has always been very friendly and awesome at Kung Fu. We are actually the only white sashes in the school, but he already trains in Tae Kwon Do, and is prepping for officers school.

 When the Sifu came over to check up on our progress, SG jokingly said "I'm scared of her. I blink, and her fist is at my face." Then someone called out, "Yeah Chloe, don't beat up our marines we need those guys for front lines." They were all hyping it up though. I wasn't really even trying to beat anyone up tonight.