
Saturday, August 10, 2013

My First Disney Audition

Standing in line with 900 other people was my first audition. I waited, sizing up those around me...who was gorgeous, who looked like they just rolled out of bed and the girl with the Merida hair? Of course no one could compete with my natural beauty and flawless skin ;)

 There were other phenomenal looking girls, but all suited for some one else...plenty of pretty Belles, Jasmines and Tianas. I knew every other girl in that line was judging her own beauty against the others. And as shallow as it sounds, I decided that I was the most beautiful and youthful girl to play Alice's friend. And then they took us in, 60 at a time, looked us over (for a second) and crushed our dreams (that's a little dramatic though.) I met up later with my friend, 'A', who read for (insert Princess Here)...(she rehashed her performance non stop the next two days trying to figure out what went wrong...she read then was measured a second time and cut).

 Later we stalked Amy the casting director online. Joked about driving to her house dressed as Princess 1 and Princess 2 to prove our worth. We laughed about how she turned down 850+ princesses and princes that day. I reassured 'A' that Mandy Moore could have been in that group of 900, and Amy only glanced at her, seeing she was unfit. While Mandy actually playing Rapunzel in the movie, could have made a great and perfect (to the exact voice) Rapunzel in Disneyland. (Except Mandy Moore is 5'9 and that's way too tall. But you get my point right?)

I have now decided to take on Disney by flying to every audition in the US and UK. Well like 4 of them all fall on August 15 but the others I am THERE!

I wasn't too disappointed to get cut. Even though I would have literally sold my soul to work for Disney and still will. I can't even call what I went to an audition. All I said was "Hi my name is Chloe," and smile like my life depended on it. And for all Amy knew, I could have won an Oscar for playing Alice, with training from Julliard. But the real kicker was when Amy sized us up, I was standing next to the most beautiful, athletic, glamorous African American princess, who I am sure I'll see next time I go to Disneyland playing Tiana. I stood next to that girl thinking of how lately I want to be a sassy black girl. But that's another story :)

Alice twirling at Disneyland.
Me rocking out with the Pirate Band at Disneyland.