
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Year In Review 2019: Tudor Christmas

A little known fact: I really don't care all that much for Christmas.

A previous scan of my other posts you'll read about some combination of gross Christmas ham dishes, excessive excess, hoards of traffic, and we spend 364 days a year looking forward to like one hour, but get mad when that hour goes on a little too long... (I'm looking at you 'random relative').

One year my cousin Jordan secretly opened his presents without asking before all the adults woke up (I feel like its time to tell everyone), and one Christmas morning I used the words "I'm bored" and got in trouble for being bored. I really just should have used the words, "I'm overcome with anticipation, and am tired of watching you eat Christmas ham."

Also one Christmas holiday my grandma made this ham and egg casserole. The only thing I like less than ham, (and salad) is eggs. That was the first Christmas I lost 5 lbs, I only ate clementines and grapes for the whole week.

That being said I watched a documentary last year about Tudor Christmas (Like Henry and Elizabethan times) and it really changed my whole paradigm of what Christmas could be. So I decided last year to celebrate Tudor Christmas on my own - And I plan to for the rest of my life. With the Tudors, it was less build up to December 25th and more spread out with a big celebration culminating on January 6th.

Last night of Tudor Christmas
I flew out to CA on the last day of Tudor Christmas and met Bethany, my Disneyland best friend. Holiday spirit was at an all time high. On our way out the park we went to City Hall and left positive reviews for our Jungle Cruise Tour Guide. We wanted to end 2018 and start 2019 with good vibes.

I'm not sure how I came to the conclusion a year ago but I JUST GOT TIRED. Tired of all the screaming, wailing, sobbing, rolling around on the floor, "I'm triggered", stupid attitudes perpetrated by my 'friends' on facebook. I wanted to comment on all their posts "It's gonna be ok."

...but like 'low key' that's triggering.

They would actually say that, "Don't tell me it's gonna be ok, because it's not ok to say that."

"Um, OK." I would think to myself.

2018 was not a walk in the park for me (although I did do a lot of walking in the park) but with all the negativity I was gonna try and see what I could get out of the universe everyday in 2019. And let me tell you - if you want, you can really get the universe on your side- you just have to change your mindset.

But we have to start with December 31, 2018, because that's when it started...

I spent weeks looking for an accent chair for my room. Having never purchased furniture before I didn't anticipate chairs to cost so much. Well December 31st, I went into a furniture store, which happened to be in it's final days of life (everything had to go), and saw a beautiful chase lounge. I thought to my self, "I will buy the chair for 150$." (It was worth waaaay more than that.) I asked the sales guy if he could give me a deal...and guess what? I got a chase lounge for 150$.

January 1st -I hate going to the movies by myself and avoid it all costs. I couldn't think of a soul to see the Mary Queen of Scots movie with me, so I was forced to go alone. I also discovered a long forgotten fandango gift card from 2016 in my purse standing in line for a ticket. Thank You Universe.

January 2nd - I went to the orthodontist in December to get a retainer made because I had lost my originals, and my teeth were completely jacked up. The assistant started going over my 'treatment plan' for invisilign, which I originally declined. I had a mini panic attack because there was no way I could afford invisilgns. She, now in a panic herself, fetched the orthodontist who told me it was a gift from his son (who I'd gone to high school with - now a dental student). Free Invisiligns? Thank You Universe.

That same week a random customer bought me a gift, my job paid me my training pay- finally, I made my flight for CA, and Bethany let me sleep on her couch, saving me a ridiculous Uber fare. So not bad. Literally every day since December 31st. Something great happens in my life.

February 19th- My family and I took a trip to Chicago to see Hamilton for Aubrielle's birthday. (We lied and said we were going to the Aquarium.) Not very inspiring, we decided to check out the TJ Max downtown and - (you guys know how much I hate clothing and general fashion and can never find anything...) I found the most AMAZING 'CHLOE' SWEATER - on the sale rack no less. I took off my holey sweater that I'd resewn 10 times and trashed it immediately. (I did thank that holey sweater because Marie Kondo does say to thank your things as you throw them away- yes we were into Marie Kondo this year.) Thank You Universe.

PS. The Field Natural History Museum in Chicago is top notch. I love natural history museums because ancient people were just like us, and I think modern people generally forget that we are just like them.

March- March was one of the best months of the year and I don't even like March all that much.

March 5th- I had the day off and they released EK Johnson's book "The Queen's Shadow". I had been waiting a year for it to release. And while not the best book I've read, I really indulged in it.

March 13th - I pulled Aubrielle out of school and we went to NYC for the day for chocolate croissants and Anastasia on Broadway. Christy Altomare, the woman who plays Anya, is the most beautiful and uplifting person, so we had to catch her perform as the Grand Duchess one last time.

March 18- Was revolutionary. I don't know why but I never figured out how to buy clothing and just always struggled to find anything suitable.  I would go to the juniors section and leave with the size 18 pair of jeans a foot too long and then hate myself. March 18th I discovered the women's section (which I previously thought was the old lady section) and found a pair of pants that not only were a reasonable size but also hit me perfectly at the ankle. Why did no one tell me about the women's section? I've been buying crap from Forever 21 and wearing sweats because I didn't know any better. Anyways after March 18 my wardrobe significantly improved.

April- My kiss count was going abysmal cause I was trying to at least double 2019 count- not that I was worried but I did fall in love in April.

So while I didn't find any true love in April, on April 24th I went to Ulta to get more burgundy eyeliner because yes, after months of searching I finally found burgundy eyeliner and they were doing free hair braiding and braided my hair for free. Thanks Universe!

I told them to braid it like the "Capitol" from Hunger Games.

May 16-  I got a free scoop of ice cream because the shop was dead and I was the only customer lol. Thank You Universe.

May 22 - I didn't buy a whole of clothing in 2018 and once I discovered the women's section I really built up my wardrobe in May. I bought a dress from Her Universe that I'd been eyeing for a year- half off thank you very much. Due to my lack of an Instgram boyfriend I didn't get a picture of it this year, but let me tell's an amazing dress like no other. Thank You Universe.

June - You all may surprised to know that I am kinda anti-wedding. Once I found out that the whole business of weddings is basically a "keeping up with Victoria and Albert charade", I was like low key no... I'm done. 

One time I went to a bridal shower and after opening a multitude of gifts the bride shrugged said "Well, my fiance and I have been living together for quite some time and we already have most of this stuff."

I thought in my brain, "Why are we here then?"

Another friend of mine posted 7 days of mimosa's, little black dresses, and instagram photo shoots for her bachelorette extravaganza. While I'm not against a solid vacay with the girls, her wedding wasn't even taking place for another eighteen months, which left me confused.

One of my favorite newlywed couples set up a gofundme account so they could take a year long honeymoon. 1st rule of gofundme - cancer, your house burning down, or loss of limb etc. is the only time you should pander to your friends on Facebook for money. It was so tacky. 

Another friend took a pre wedding honeymoon to a resort in celebration of their upcoming wedding (that's what they posted). So kinda like a pre- honeymoon...but then they went on a real regular-honeymoon??? And while it's great to live with so much abundance, as a bit of a traditionalist I found the pre wedding vacation a bit odd.

I used to get a bit upset when people would have an excessive amounts of wedding receptions. Like "how many Costco sheet cakes and veggie trays can we eat in a month across the US?" And I used Kate and William as example - like they only had one wedding and reception (Do you think your love is better than a royal, that you need this much celebrating?) But then I remembered the royals go on wedding tours, so it's not fair for me to judge people...They're all peasants just trying to keep up with the British Monarchy - and if that makes them happy (shrug)...

I absolutely refuse to attend weddings unless they are family mandated and I'll do my best to avoid the family ones... But I made an exception for a friend this year...

1.) Get flight time. I'll arrive in style in a Cessna-172 and avoid LA traffic.
2.) I'll wear my Her Universe Dress. Insta Pics :)
3.) Bring Pilot friend so I don't have to go alone.

My friend promised to fly with me to Santa Monica and then backed out the moment last minute. I was frustrated because it's one thing to go to a wedding, but another to show up by yourself. (Now I'm not against going places solo, but I've been to many weddings by myself and it's absolutely AWFUL.) 

The morning of the wedding I called every pilot friend I could think of, and everyone was busy or didn't answer.  I resolved I would just rent a car and drive myself. I'd come all this way for the wedding, I might as well suck it up and go. 

I pulled out of the rental car lot and my friend Drake -the busiest man in world- called saying he would fly with me. THANK YOU UNIVERSE! (unfortunately I didn't get any pics of my dress) Also everyone at the wedding thought we were married. That's ok. I like Drake -I guess we are cute together.

Post wedding flight.
July 8th- I want on an all expenses paid Cruise.

I had many mixed feelings and reservations about this cruise because I figured my first cruise would be for my honeymoon and not with my family. Which automatically made me NOT want to go. And for my ritual of daily grounding with the Earth. Yes, I know I fly but I like to get electrons from the earth and you can't do that on a boat.

But it was a free crusie. So I guess...Thanks Universe...?

July 25, 26, 27- I went on a loop of fun with my aunt and uncle, where we went to a bunch of restaurants and ordered single dishes at all of them. July 25th tends to be a generally positive day for me, judging by my facebook memories. The 26th we went to Balboa Island and ate at Corona Del Mar Rubys. And the 28th, Drake and I went on a XC trip to Lake Havasu and I had the BEST In and Out Burger. Can I also say how great it is to be a pilot because we got FREE use out of the cars at the FBO's... THANKS UNIVERSE!

AUGUST  - I was trying to finish my commercial pilot hour requirements and had quite the adventure.

August 7th : My friend Eric and I got stranded in Camarillo after a plane crashed and they shut down airport operations. I'm used to deferring all decisions to the guy, (when I grew up we didn't have Captain Marvel or Elsa) but since I rented the plane, planned the trip and was sitting in the left seat of the plane. I was Captain that day.

Kind of surreal since no one ever grants me such power. I slipped us back into our home airport before the clouds settled in (one of my best landings ever). Eric was such a gracious gentleman and drove me to Disney to meet my family for dinner so I didn't have to Uber. Also I got free dinner. THANKS UNIVERSE and ERIC!

Eric was a great first mate lol

I finished all my flight hours in the beginning of August thanks to a host of flight instructors who gave me free lessons. They saved me thousands of dollars. While I feel like the universe was definitely in my favor, they really came through and helped. Thanks Universe and Graeme, Phil, and Greg!

My time in California ended and I came back to Atlanta. Not gonna lie, mid August was horrible. I had no job, no money, accidentally went on two dates with a pedophile, another date with a guy with bad breath...not to mentioned I got ghosted by someone I genuinely liked. I was supposed to get my commercial license finished in CA but left empty handed. Though not all bad. Someone sent me a check in the mail (to congratulate me on getting my commercial license haha), and I built up enough Starbucks points to gift myself free Starbucks whenever I wanted. Thanks Universe!

September- I found a school in Nashville to finish training (while also about half the cost) and conveniently was able to live with my grandpa the duration of training. THANKS UNIVERSE and Grandpa!

I took Giselle to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in NYC. I was on the fence about which hotel to stay at and went with a random one off the way side and guess what? They upgraded us to a giant suite cause we had to stand in line forever to check in. (These Karens were having a meltdown and there was only one employee.) I didn't mind waiting haha. THANKS UNIVERSE!

Representing the best house.


Ok, not gonna lie all this positivity compounded into one yearly review is wearing me out. October was ok. I always get sad in October cause I have so many good ideas for a couples costume and  imagine grand ideas like going on a giant loop of Halloween fun. But I did pull together and AMAZING Ms. Peregrine costume thanks to Youtube.

Let's take a moment to shout out mid-October through November - when every single person I knew announced their pregnancy on social media. Now normally this wouldn't be such a big deal, but LITERALLY everyday someone announced their baby. 

It took every ounce of will for me to refrain from posting, 'They had sex.' on every single baby announcement. Let's also pause and go back to the beginning of this post when I wrote about all the sobbing, wailing, physically collapsing triggered people out there...

So many people have....oh... HAD, infertility and were just so triggered by the term "Miracle Baby." Dear lord- I read so many books, blog posts, facebook rants, and raves about how angry these women were, believing the were never going get their 'miracle baby'. These women were collapsing in parking lots, bawling in shopping malls, and hyperventilating themselves into panic attacks. 

Reassuring them that they - one day - would get their 'miracle baby' sent them into a firery rampant ugly crying range. Then they told everyone on social media how angry they were that [insert any well meaning friend, doctor, relative, coworker] said, "Be patient, you'll get your miracle baby..." 

Vibe Check.

I really wanted to tell these women how triggered they made ME because they have husbands, houses, hobbies, vacations... and in all of the crap they shared about their infertility - not once did they stop to be grateful or even acknowledge the universe working in their favor.

ALL those women are pregnant now - cue massive eye roll.


I became an official commercial pilot and spent seven days learning to fly multiengine ariplanes in Montana. Let me tell you Montana in the last true American frontier. Southern Hospitality is absolute bullshit compared to my experience in MT. Every single person I came into contact with was overwhelmingly, enthusiastically, helpful. And it wasn't like I was announcing I was a foreigner or anything. I can't even go to Panda Express in my hometown because it's just better in Helena. 

IDK maybe it was just the universe, but on my last night there I asked two guys from the airport if they wanted to get dinner with me to celebrate...they went above and beyond. They helped me return my rental car, drove me to dinner, paid for my dinner, checked flights for me, drove me to my hotel, and still message me every couple of days. Like is that even real life? Thanks Universe!

The people in Montana were overwhelmingly kind.


Still even up until December 30th -as I am currently typing something great happens everyday. Even when the day ahead doesn't seem so great, the Universe manifests something unique. 

Even fleeting thoughts come to past. I was putting on my eyeliner and thought how great it would be if I had some highlight - later a random relative who knows nothing about my makeup regime, gives me highlight as an early birthday present.  

Or... I had to work a horrible shift on Christmas Eve and guess what I saw on my way to work? A Peregrine Falcon. I've never seen one before and it absolutely made my whole day. Did you see my Halloween Costume lol

Anyways it was an absolutely great year all around for me. For those of you who spent time and energy pandering negativity, being triggered and complaining on social media - I thoroughly enjoyed the abundant laughs. I hope you can figure out the universe is on your side in 2020. 

Alrighty friends we still have 6 days left of Tudor Christmas. Partying doesn't stop until January 5th. I've been ham and casserole free the first 6 days let's keep it that way the next six lol.