
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Kung Fu- Camaraderie

While working at PCS I did my best to go out on lunch dates with cousins and friends from school. But if I wasn't at PCS, I was wandering alone in the canyons or re-watching Netflix till I couldn't stand it anymore. I would fill the remainder of my time with more PCS until I didn't recognize myself-I'd turn into Chloe the Tyrant :) No joke...I'd run to California every few weeks, but each trip made me feel more lonesome than ever.

I gave myself exactly 1 year at PCS, and the day came.

In all honesty I could have been a PCS Lifer-worked there forever. Although there were some pretty awful days, the work was simple and the camaraderie between staff was one of a kind. I was banking massive amounts of overtime and was comfortable marching around the cottage ordering people about ;) I could work as little or as much as I wanted, and go about as I pleased. I was completely over all my anxiety, and in the language of PCS "idgaf" was my new mantra.

As the year mark approached I got antsy. Nothing tasted good, nothing on Netflix drew my attention, even the local shops put me off... The year didn't turn out as I expected so I packed up and jetted off East.

A month later I was driving around in the heavy air of the South, frustrated I couldn't find Kung Fu. A teenager was trailing after my car in the parking lot I was looping around in, which confused me to no other because it was so hot outside. (Neal, who is a fellow student's, mom saw me driving around lost, and sent Neal to stop me from driving away.)

The air was only a few degrees cooler inside the building which is more like a 3 car garage. So it was really sweltering. I just picked up like I never left...except my year of absolutely doing nothing movement wise set me back. The movement was in my muscle memory but it was limiting and inefficient, just holding my arms up was a workout. We finished the last half hour outside as the heat was burning off and the sun was setting.

I was going through the form motions, but mind wandering when my life felt like it was in the upswing, when my movement was back on track. Kung Fu wise I struggled-but when I did Kung Fu like modern in the studuio I moved really well. I have the video showing rather efficient movement. But I decided I needed to leave ASAP last April.

I attempted to further movement training while I was out West. I dragged my self to modern the first week I was there. And it was too hard, too abstract and I remember this awful leaping combination. 

I really should just develop my own technique of modern-Kung Fu hybrid. Oooooo that would be so cool. I think about enrolling in a Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) Course all the time so I can do just that. I actually wish I could just do LMA, Kung Fu, Modern, Pilates and BioCored Full Time. 
I will soon. 

I discovered in the past year something I love. Genuine Camaraderie- or at least I've coined the term. PCS had it and that's what it's like at Kung Fu- And the reason I continue going back.

Would it be more beneficial to take dance classes since that's ultimately what I really want to move well in? But I would have to drive all the way to the city by myself and there's no camaraderie in that.

Proof I was there.
Kung Fu this week was really good. They are back trying to talk me into competing.

"Woah, slow down it's my third day back." I was thinking haha.

I do have some idea of what forms I would like explore only because my mom reminded me... She remembered Aurora performing a fan form that was beautiful and balletic. You are supposed to learn a weapons form, which I'm not sure if a fan counts, despite Mulan's besting of Shan Yu at the end.
Let's be honest. The movement here is totally contemporary ballet kung fu fusion.
Now lets get our Mirror Neurons and move like this.