
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sanda: First time punched in the face.

You know the arcade game where two guys are fighting each other, and you press buttons for kick, punch, throw to the ground?...

Well that is Sanda.

There were three good looking guys there, and I felt that I was somehow going to take away from their class being a girl and my first time at Sanda.  The Sifu said he wasn't going to "dumb" things down for me, and I should try to keep up as best I could.

He paired us up to do fireman runs. And when it was my turn, boy, was everyone surprised. Even the girl working the desk started snapping pics of me, probably for their facebook page lol. Fireman runs are when you jog while carrying a person on your back/shoulders. Kori Wakamatsu's modern classes  prepared me for that moment, because on more than one occasion did I have to carry someone across  285 and 287 ;) So I dominated at the particular drill.

Then we all suited up, and the Sifu gave me a mouth guard. I have a horrible gag reflex and had to almost cut it in half before I could wear it with out choking.  He put protective gear on me, saying I looked like a chick from Battlestar Galactica...yeah I've never seen that show.

Sifu told the other guys they would NOT be "beating" me up (hence the purpsose of the class).  Good thing though, because one drill had me continuously getting thrown to the ground, and I didn't have the landing softly technique down.  So I worked basic drills, just blocking and punching, and take down drills on the guys.

I realized, and it was pointed out, that I work too much with my distal edges (no they didn't say that). But it was taking so much energy to throw and block so far from my center, and after about 15 minutes I was dying.

Honestly I was pretty weak, in terms of punches and overall technique.  And I kept forgetting to block my face and was actually taken aback when one punch landed me square in the nose, thank goodness for gloves though.

I had some moments of success with one move though, The Slam Down. (haha I have no idea what it's called).  And I started to feel bad cause these poor guys were taking it over and over again.  And a few times I lost my balance as well and would fall really hard on top of them (bad visual hehe)

The whole time I was worried about getting injured too, but it was pretty awesome. I'll probably try Sanda again next week.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Spear Training - Kung Fu class #4

I could have gone to the mountain today, I didn't.

I drove to Kung Fu for the noon o'clock class and waited in the lobby with my new friends. The assistant teacher Sean, who knows of my Korra enterprise, excitedly asked me "Did you see the season premiere of Legend of Korra last night?" Um, "No I don't watch TV, I didn't even know it was on." Haha, so much for being super committed lol.

I was excited when we went into class and the Sifu told us each to get a spear. In my head I'm thinking, "Yeeeeaaaaah, this is so sweet. This is like hunger games training too."

Spear training is not fun though.

 Especially if you have short little arms. And after holding the spear for a couple of minutes I decided that they should not have given me something potentially dangerous (ok the tip was dull but still) to twirl around and jab. I should have just gone for one of the sticks.

You have to hold the butt of the spear with your left hand, and you move the spear by isolating your arms from the elbow down.  The Sifu explained, that by limiting the range of movement this helps to eliminate variables in movement and keep things clean and consistent.

I've never been much of a spear person, and am even more so not a spear person after today. I've always fancied more sword-like weapons.

I decided to stay for the Kung Fu Fitness class afterwards. Now Fitness is a special word. When I think/hear of the word "Fitness" I think of the Nelly Furtado song that has the line "just working on my fitness." Fitness to me implies, mom mid thirties, on the elliptical "just working on her fitness," selfie photo with that line post work out.

So to call what I endured for an hour and a half, fitness, is really not touching on what went on.

We started off with sort of a leap frog exercise, except you had to bunny hop over the people. This was terrible and I was soaked through my clothes after one turn down the line.  This was followed by kicks, start one right, one left, two right, two left, all the way up to 15 right, 15 left, then again in descending order. I jammed at the next exercising a moving plank/crab walk. This craziness went on for a good while, and they brought a monster truck tire for us to jump on... they had us compete for times and reps, and losers had to do some awful set of exercises. I kept losing because it was my first day, and I was just a little slow.

If  could do Kung Fu and Fitness every day, I would be so ripped and awesome.

First Gymnastics Class Ever

My best friend growing up was Danielle. She was an absolutely amazing gymnast. At 11 years old she had six pack abs, could do everything, and if I recall correctly, placed 7th all around at nationals.

I always felt the need to upstage her whenever she showed off for the class, on the playground, at sleep overs etc. Since growing up watching Danielle's awesomeness, I have always wanted to take and excel at gymnastics. Now that I have grown up (and can try anything I want) I enrolled for gymnastics.

Let's go back to January.  A teacher from my work asked me to assist her in after school tumbling, in which the classes had become so popular she needed extra spotters.  In the beginning, she sometimes would ask me to demonstrate, "near arm cartwheel, pivot, rebound, roundoff, rebound, straddle forward roll". I would stand there "uhhh, can you repeat that" haha.

They don't ask me too often to demonstrate anymore :) but I can spot kids, demonstrate things singularly and such...So when Giselle's gymnastics academy was desperate for a dance and gymnastics teacher, I thought what the heck.  I didn't know anything about the apparatuses, but have the tumbling part down... And on the first day I banged up my chin trying to demonstrate on the uneven bar, YUP first time on one of those.

I went on Thursday for my first class and this is how it went.

Everything was pretty easy up until the teacher, BJ, asked me to do a round off on my left side. This was something I have never attempted. I can do cartwheels to the left, but never thought to do a round off. I fell over and I actually was really annoyed that body would not let me land on feet correctly.

My least favorite thing was uneven bars. I tried to channel my inner Gabby Douglas, but kept hitting the bars on my bones and the pain was pretty crippling so I'd let off right away.

Favorite: Hands down vault. All we had to do was run, jump off the spring board, and land on the platform in a crouched position. Pretty fun.

Then we did back handspirngs. They felt much better then when I tried them after class on Monday. It's going to definitely be a few months before I can go for it myself though.

When I returned home I felt that overall I am probably not suited for gymnastics. I would much rather do Kung Fu instead. But I know it will make me a better Korra if I can do a plethora of tricks. So I'll stick with it.  It's a free class for me too, so I guess it's worth it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"Becoming Korra"

This blog used to be called "Becoming Alice."  And I will never stop trying to be Alice.  But lets be real. There are a whole lot of Alice's out there, and not too many Korras'.

What does one do, after so much failure? Begin something new.

It took only an hour at Taipei National University of the Arts to peak my intrest in Kung Fu. I always secrectly wanted to study martial arts. But I wasn't into the whole, overweight lady in her 40's, teaching adult Karate, claiming to be a black belt. I needed something more real than that. Like in Taipei.

After Jackson brought home Kung Fu Panda 2. 

A midnight internet search brought up Atlanta Kung Fu and Sanda. WTH is Sanda? I kept reading it as Samba haha, isn't that ballroom dance? ;) I put in an inquiry and they called me back.

I set a trial class, and actually even found someone to go with me. Thank goodness cause I was going on zero friends here in Acworth, now I have like 1. (Not the point though.) I went, I saw, I signed up at that moment. Realizing that this was it. These people could help me become ALICE.  I could stretch my brain, (remember dance combinations better), and learn tricks (have awesome skills to show).

After the trial class on Tuesday, I got up so early on Saturday, and drove to Kennesaw Mountain, where they have Kung Fu on the Mountain come wind, rain, and snow.  I was late getting there, because apparently everyone one goes to the mountain at 7:30 am on Saturday and there was no where to park. I missed them going up and (sprinted) ((Walked at a medium pace)) up the mountain and waited for them. We reviewed the sequence (I don't know what they call them in Kung Fu) from my trial class and I secretly hoped that I didn't run into anyone I knew.

Apparently sometimes the group is lacking for the mountain class. Well, besides the Sifu, it was this old guy and me.  If I saw anyone I knew, school, work, Heaven forbid someone from church, I'm sure they would question what I was doing with these two guys, my dad's age, at all hours of the morning on the mountain.  But it was legit, professional, people knew the Sifu, cause he's there all the time doing Kung Fu.  I still felt a little silly though.

Later I drove to the facility for the open class, where, it was a new old guy, guy my age, and the Sifu and we went to work, refining every detail of the movement sequence, and learning the basic stances etc.  I wanted to throw some weapons around, cause there were all types of spears and swords on the wall. They are used in Sanda, which is- fighting basically.

The Sifu, wants to make me a fighter and eventually join is carefully molded group of fighters. He wants to teach me Wushu, the Chinese government's own special Kung Fu Style (but it is hard, harder than advance ballet.)

I told the old guy(the old guy is the assistant teacher btw), who was working with me, that I liked Avatar. I said I wanted to train to be as good as Korra, should the opportunity arise for me to audition to play her. He said I didn't need to be as good as Korra, that they had tricks to make it appear so. I still want to be as good as Korra though.

We finished the open class with us basically fighting, throwing punches and kicks. Learning how to take someone down. It was a done really slow. I was paired up with the old guy, and he was really hurting me (i.e. beating me up) haha. I took him down when it was my turn.

Afterwards, he showed me how to put this Chinese wine stuff all over my arms and legs (to help with bruising), and told me not to get pulled over because I smelled like alcohol now.

I went to class again on Tuesday, and added more to the sequence I've been working. More Wushu too, which I suck at. But I've only been 3 times, so I guess it's ok to struggle in the beginning.

I wish Dance... Ballet, and Modern, was more like Kung Fu. They don't turn the air on, so you get really warm, and the Sifu wants it perfect every time. You can't get away with marking something. It's full and real every time.

And making every moment count in that class is how I will become Korra.

Sunday Oralndo. Hard Drive Productions for Harry Potter World Auditons.

When I was in the 6th grade, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was released. I decided to show my enthusiasm by dressing up as Fleur Delacour for the premier party. And was chosen as the best dressed, receiving the first copy of the night.  Naturally, with my poise, and charm, and relatively good dance skills I was destined to become a Beauxbatons student in Harry Potter World Japan.

I bought a brand new, French Blue Leotard, seamed tights, and listened to an actor deliver lessons in how to speak in a french accent. Despite my recent failures my destiny would take hold.  This was better than Alice.

The audition was different. I registered a month in advance. 'A' auditioned in LA, the week prior, so I would knew what to expect. It was a perfect set up.

'A' said they took, what she considered weaker dancers, without much upper body strength, but flirty and fabulous smiles. And that suited me just perfect.

There were 20 of us. They took our picture. We actually filled out forms (no one ever gets to that in Disney lol). Giving our vocal ranges, special abilities, everything.

I felt stupid. I was the only one dressed to the nines. Everyone else had on their contemporary clothes, despite this being a "Ballet Audition".  I decided to use my seemingly obnoxious outfit to my benefit. I looked serious. Not like those other girls.

They went fast through the movement. I focused like my life depended on it (It did depend on it, I couldn't, and wouldn't go home defeated.) I danced, and smiled, as turned, and jumped. My life's training culminated at that point. I was off my music a little, but I didn't stop. I was lovely, and happy, and stood watching the others dance, knowing I would be off to Japan in no time.

A few girls were weak. Especially in their upper body. No one was smiling as much as me either :) One girl though, was AMAZING. Perfect. Hands down she was going with me to Japan.

And guess what?

They didn't take her.

And they didn't take me!

They took those silly weak girls, who I personally thought were just a but awkward.

I was devastated this time. But I couldn't show it. Couldn't let anyone know. That's not Chloe style latley. I played it off, whatever, did I really want to move to Japan? No, it was just for fun.

But I will be back next year.

Friday at Screenland Studios.

 Face Character Auditions Tokyo:

I figured arriving an hour early would put me in maybe the first 20. Nope #94 and Amanda was two numbers behind me.

I was resigned. Calm. I was Alice. I did my research. I knew how Alice felt about the Red Queen. A raven is like a writing desk in so many favorite tea was warm tea, and it was even my un-Birthday.

I was put into the second audition group.  I stayed a ways off from 'A', trying to gather information from people who looked like Disney veterans. I found one. I met T. He was 20, charming, very youthful looking and had this voice like signing. He had been Peter Pan's best friend on a cruise for a year.

This is Peter ;) ahem Tevor. I found a picture of him online.

T was gay, but I was in love right away.

He had a big circle of people surrounding him, as he told us about his life on board the ship. All of us hanging on to every word. He had lived in the magic. We all wanted to know what it felt like.

He now worked at Mater's Junk Yard in California Adventure, and was trying to renter the world as a face character. Despite being way to tall for Disneyland/ Disney Tokyo Peter he had his sights set on the Mad Hatter.

I followed T, a couple other Peter Pan wanna be's, with Amanda by my side into the room. Into our hopeful future.

I wasn't prepared at all for the movement combination. I was well fed this time, not hungry. But my brain was slow. The movement wasn't hard, per say, just confusing so many arms, twirling, every arm was similar, yet just a little different.

The time came, and no one could remember the steps. Not even T, who turned out to be a weak dancer compared to the other princely and Peter hopefuls. I tried to be my best bubbly, and shining Alice. And was cut, along with T, and Amanda. 'A' miraculously made it through to second cut.

And we all departed, adding ourselves to lists of facebook, and instagram friends, laughing how we would see each other again at next years at Tokyo auditions.

Wednesday- The Audtion at Screenland Studios

 Dancers for Tokyo Disney:

I decided to meet 'A' at Screenland this time. I had to have my head in the game ("getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha head in da game" -Troy Bolton ) I had my aunt to drive me up there.

Once again I wasn't in the height parameters, but who cared, they were going to be adoring me at first sight. It didn't matter that I was the shortest person that 100 person crowd.

They told us to prepare for ballet. Perfect. I had this. Not some Urabn/Latin/Bollywood Style...

In groups of 50 they took us in to teach us a ballet waltz. And guess what? Waltzing is my favorite. Who dominated? Me. Who stretchted their short arms longer than anyone else? Me.

And I was cut.

But I made a new friend, Amanda, who came all the way from Canada to find her Disney dream. I said I would see her again on Friday for face character auditions.

Mickey and the Magical Cartographer(Map)

Debbie Reynolds Studio

"Mickey and the Magical Cartographer(Map) Audition"

Well, a week, a crash diet and 10 pounds later I found myself driving through Little Mexio with 'A'.  We were heading to an audition in which I was totally unprepared for. Of course I was playing the intimidation card and puffed up with sublime "I don't really care what happens, but I know I'm gonna make it" attitude. Not to 'A', but Myself haha.

 Well I definitley wasn't in the height parameters, but I was going to be so awesome that they were going to take me regardless of my short stature.

I dragged 'A' to the second row center. You are visible, but not all stand out showy like front row center. And it was in those first few steps that a week of starving yourself just isn't helping you hack it when it comes to moving your heart out.

The choreographer called his movement Urban. I call it Latin - Bollywood with a piroutte.  And then there was a whole section where we just had to show our best stuff, and the whole time I was watching everyone else, I thought "I should not have put movement improvisation skills on my resume", because this urban, latin, bollywood, hip hop, musical theater, pirouette combination + my best skills was well...I'll just tell you.

I'm in a group of hot, sexy black chicks, and I probably looked like that one awkward white chick that can't dance. I must have looked really smooth, jumping around and trying to leap, on 500 calories. Well I was cut. They kept quite a few talented, sassy black girls...and yup still wish I could somehow channel that out of me.

Big Fail. But Big Fun. At least I wasn't as bad as this one awkward old lady in velvet jazz pants.

I ate a whole Cubano Sandwich afterwards. It was the best thing I had ever tasted.


I need to figure out my back up plan  if I don't make any friends with the princesses at Disney. The other day I was standing in line at airport security and let my brain wander into a tangent of me becoming a microbiologist.  I would of course go to grad school, and make sure I went the thesis route, because I have a stellar topic for a thesis or not sure what the technical term is, but like a study.

I have a problem with taking my shoes off for the TSA. My 3 year old, Old Navy, foam flip-flops cannot hide bombs or metal objects. I normally wear easy to remove shoes, flip flops or flats, sometimes I wear boots but I don't like soiled socks to touch my shoes (soiled from the TSA's floor). I stand on my tip toes or lateral side of my feet while I'm disrobing and through the scanner. But here is my study that relates for Microbiology. I will describe using the scientific method.

Question: Is it safe to remove our shoes at all?

Observation: Everyone is required to remove their shoes for the TSA, excluding children and old people (both groups of suspicious individuals I'd say) All those 13-75 year olds remove their shoes, half with socks half barefoot. Men and older people tend to wear socks, while women typically go barefoot. Now I have hypothesis.

Hypotheses: I hypothesize that due to the thousands of barefoot and socked individuals that pass through the TSA disrobing area and scanner, has led the floor to be contaminated with bacteria. I also suspect that the area is not sanitized often (if not ever). (Hence sleeping in airports and never seeing this take place.)

Test: I will start by swabbing the floors of the disrobing areas as well as the foot markers  in the scanner of 5 major US airports: ATL, LAX, MSP, JFK, SLC, DFW (DFW already offer booties to travelers). I will then monitor the growth of bacteria via petri dish.

Results: There will be rampant bacteria growing in my petri dishes. These dishes I will send back to the lab, where will find bacterial evidence of athletes foot, the plague, ecoli bacteria, ebola, and flesh eating bacteria.

I will then tell the world of my findings and airports will be forced to to scrub the floor hourly with a strong disinfectent and provide clean booties for everyone to wear. Wearing booties through security will be mandatory.

The end. I Hope the TSA dies.

OH! Here is a letter I wrote the TSA a few years ago. Sorry for the language and graphicness of it...and spelling errors. I wasn't in the right state of mind. Just sometimes your get butt gets pat down enough times you hit a breaking point, and write a crazy letter to them. Again apologies. I do wear underwear in public and when I travel.