
Monday, October 21, 2013

Brain Part:1

This is not about anyone specifically, but everyone specifically.  As Professor Quirrell once said, "I just thought you ought to know."

There is always a lot I want to say.  And I know a blog is not a place to say anything but more trivial meanderings... Sometimes I want to stand up and talk loudly and force people to listen. But people hardly listen because of their brains. (Which here is a fun anatomy fact: back in Egypt'ish times people thought that the heart was the main "think" center and the brain was merely there to keep the ears apart.) The brain trumps the ears by probably 90% (preconceived notions impede the ears from hearing) and hardly anyone uses their heart as a think center anymore.

I am just as much at fault though. I can think of times when my ears didn't hear because of my brain.

But let's start thinking about our brain.

Everyone breathe. I always find it really cool when I actually sit and pay attention to breathing. "I literally think OMG I can't believe I'm alive. I haven't even been paying attention to breathing and this is just  plain awesome that I can breathe involuntarily."

Touch. One time, I can't remember who, said guys like to hug girls because they like to chest's (yeah I'm not gonna spell out what your thinking...) well that killed the hug for me; guys and girls included. You may or may not have noticed but I often times to try go in for the side hug...sometimes full frontal hugs are unavoidable. But honestly there's only like 2 people (I could think of right now) that I would voluntarily hug.

Core Distal. If you've read any previous posts you know that I work too much in my distal edges. So do I really need to cover this one?

Upper / Lower. I sometimes (never think about it) forget that the spine really is connected to your brain. Which BTW my aunt was upset because a Children's Dorling Kindersly Anatomy book was lying around. And on the cover was a naked woman covered in the nervous system. You couldn't see anything because the pic was about two inches big, and was covered in a drawing of the nervous system....  Makes me think of the mother's of genius 14 year old's, who become doctors by their late teens.  Did their mother's worry because they studied anatomy? In anatomy class you see the the upper and the lower and the nervous system is on the inside, connected to the spine, connected to the brain.

Head-Tail. Is a tricky one. Anyways people don't generally have good head tail connection.  And when you don't have head tail connection,  you can't control your body kinesthetically.  Like this girl in my class. We are working on a dance and she continuously plows into the girl next to her. I see the 1st and 3rd of Newton's laws taking place in about second watching her dance. "An object in motion will remain in motion and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Here is a random picture of my dog.

To Be Continued.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I tried out my new Kung Fu shoes. They are actually really light weight, and very flexible.

I learned how to break someone's arm, if they attack me from the side.

I passed the halfway mark on the set...almost finished...

Some people invited me to lunch, I didn't go :/

I still work in my distal edges...

Sunday's are the worst.

Today sucked.

My new Kung Fu shoes are pretty cool. They're just shoes, but they serve a really cool purpose. They have traction on the bottom, which I tripped me up a few times (pun intended). But I felt like I could defeat the avatar wearing those shoes :)

I haven't mastered the arm break yet, with an actual arm, but the motion I have down. And let me tell you, this arm break (should it ever happen to you) will basically, probably, shatter your olecranon process and all the other stuff in your arm. You better hope you have a palmaris longus in both wrists, cause the surgeon will probably need both to reattach everything. (my uncle is an hand/arm surgeon (yes they have those) and said they use the palmaris for reconstructive parts cause it's not really needed in the wrist.)

Passing the halfway mark was pretty awesome. I like the second half, because there is A LOT of just raw, legit action drive, that is useful in a fight.

I met some new people, they invited me to lunch. I wanted to go, but had prior, supposed "commitments"... And I will be changing my name, to my dad's boss's name in his cell phone. What if I had been kid napped, crashed, died? Oh well, my dad already told me he's not Liam Neeson, and doesn't have any special "skillz". (Taken reference)

Because I am short, and a girl, they say repeatedly that all my power needs to come from my waist (center). That I won't really taken anyone down on the mere strength of my arm. So, yup. Still working on that.

 I have never liked Sunday's or even Saturday's, they are both equally terrible if you don't have anything to do. When I was at school, I would have actually preferred working straight through weekends, like go to classes/work and such. I would rather work for 4 straight weeks, every day and take 10 days off every fifth week. We are throwing out the Georgian calender and bringing in the Chloe Calender when I am Dictator of America.

Today started out ok. Breakfast was phenomenal actually, thanks to my part - Bacon, Potatoes and Mango Lemonade. We had other stuff, but my part made it better :)

My friend left the church because she couldn't go to an extra "men's only" meeting. I say if I HAVE to go another meeting, I will leave the church. And I had to sit with my mom's primary class today for 2 hours while they practiced the children's singing program.

At about 1 hours and 30 min, the four year old class (not mine, I had the fives...) Well they got a bit restless, and started flailing selves this way and that, a few girls started using their dresses as hoods, and one nearly flipped over the banister.  They were all twirling and letting their tongues hang out. It was really painful to sit through as an adult, so for a 4 year old, I can't even imagine.

Dinner was awful. Like I can't even tell you what I ate. I did have a glass of limeade and ice cream. I hate ice cream too. (Shaved Ice person, I never eat ice cream, makes me ill...) Lets just say that dinner started off burned, then going back and forth between take out, to Jett eating every last crumb of our only good cereal.

And my eyes hurt from staring at a computer screen since 6 o'clock. Yup. Today Sucked.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Becoming Korra Part: 2

Kung Fu is especially hard. It's not like dance either. The Sifu wanted me to run my set with Aurora. I asked Aurora if we could start halfway through, since I don't know the end. She actually told me "No, we have to run it through the beginning and make sure every part is perfect." That's where dance is different. Learn the movement then make each part perfect. I took the opening stance.

I videoed myself performing the set last week. It was really bad, but good see it in film. I looked pretty loose, and full of free flow through the whole set. So I tried to engage all my muscles and channel myself into bound flow, which only was partly successful.

Aurora told me not be so hard on myself. "I'm not being hard on myself. Coming here every week is like an audition. And I'm not getting the movement and I'm not recreating it, the way Sifu does. If this were an audition I would be cut."

Speaking of auditions

Afterwards, I was laying in bed, checking my Facebook, when I saw Michelle's face on the screen.
It felt such a long time ago that Michelle and I were chasing the Disney Dream up and down the Pacific Coast. It was really only a month ago that Michelle and I sat in L.A. traffic believing that today would be the day our lives would change.

I made the mistake of bringing the audition calender up on the screen, because it was then I remembered how just how badly I want to become Alice.

But I think the world needs more people like Korra than Alice. We need people being good, grounded and action driven. Just like Korra.

 Like Korra

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Laban Movement Analysis and Kung Fu

Dance is B.E.S.T.

Lets focus on Effort. Which includes, Space, Weight, Time, and Flow.

Action Drive Korra

Space, Weight, and Time are the Effort Actions... the Action Drive. Haha sounds just like Kung Fu...

Space = Direct/Indirect
Weight = Heavy/Light
Time = Sudden/Sustained
And then Flow = Bound vs. Free

I figured out the reason why Kung Fu is difficult for me is because it's 100% bound flow.
I am a lot of free flow, which means I basically suck at Kung Fu.

Kung Fu is not only Bound, but also Direct, Heavy, and Sudden.

So I guess it's good that I figured all this out, (can't believe it took m a month though...) Now I know that I am working with my polar opposite movement pattern.

Though Korra isn't all bound flow. So it all suits me just perfectly.

Missed Sanda Class :( The reason.

I usually don't eat dinner on Mondays.

I leave for work at 3 o'clock, and teach until 8. Then I go to Sanda until 9:30, which by the time I return home it's too late to eat. And I have burned so many calories that it would be silly to anyways.

I decided to make a conscious effort and ate a decent lunch, knowing I would need the calories to make it through the night and Sanda.

Then something really unfortunate happened. I went to my first class.  The students were working on their tendu's (which for something so easy to perform were absolutely horrifying.) I would fix one kid's foot, and slide over to the next. And that's when it happened. Damn the floor. I let out a little yelp, and pulled a fleck of wood out of the back of my pants.

There was a stab of pain, where my leg attached to my butt. I could feel the small bump of the splinter and thought "Why did this have to happen the first 10 minutes on the job?"

I went through the rest of the night conscious of the small splint of wood lying under the dermis of the leg/butt attachment (insert medical term). And overall it really hadn't been the best of evenings...

I put most of my efforts into working the uneven bars and cartwheels with the kids, and let me tell you that every single one of those kids were really gassy. And it was rather unpleasant to lift and flip them (Please Parents stop feeding your kids dairy, for sake of your child's tumbling teacher.)

The night ended assisting with the special Olympics athletes, all women ranging from 16 to 40ish. One lady/girl/ athlete (I can't tell their ages), has taken this liking to me. Mary Anne likes to stroke my arms, and kiss me on the arms and shoulders, sometimes I will be not paying attention and she'll kiss me on the back. She is always in this constant state of "startle", so I never really know how to respond.

So with Mary Anne's advances, tooting children and that lodged splinter, I settled on taking myself to get yogurt instead of getting beat on in Sanda.

I went home and despite my mom's best efforts with a needle we could not remove the splinter.

It's still in there. But I'm going to Kung Fu tonight no matter what happens.


Before I become Korra, there are some things that need to change. So I underwent hypnosis, just to see if it made any difference. It did. I'm different now.

To put me under, the hypnotist asked me to get on an "elevator".  I had control of what the elevator looked like and all the details, which she made me picture in my mind. Well, I'm not an elevator person, I always take the stairs cause it's faster... So really the only elevator I regularly ride (and those of you who know me are going to laugh) is the Tower of Terror.

Now no matter how hard I tried to picture Willy Wonka's magic elevator, I could only picture wide seats, faux metal, and handle grips to brace for the unexpected drop. I really didn't want to get on the Tower of Terror, for fear that the hypnosis would be a metaphor of my future life. I didn't want to ride to the top, and have my life drop out from under me. But I got on that elevator and rode to the 13th floor and it never dropped, just descended slowly to the basement of my subconscious.

I don't remember all the parts of what took place, in my brain, but I know it worked because I am different.

I like the new Chloe, much more like Korra. The irony makes me laugh too, I rode the Tower of Terror to find a better, and braver me.