
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April Kung Fu and Modern Dance Philosophy

I did some Kung Fu in April. Here is the video.

I don't even know what to say about April. 

My dad bought in to the doughnut business, so everyday is a struggle to avoid the sweet, melt-in-your -mouth- fried dough, that sneaks itself into our kitchen every other day. My dad wants all of us to get into the doughnut business but I get over-whelmed thinking about doughnuts.

On the other hand, I have decided to sneak away and start a new life beginning July 2015. If it doesn't work out though, I've got doughnuts to back me up. 

"They are trying to fatten us up."
I'm going to Boston again this weekend for more BioCored training. I can't stand the thought of other people knowing more than me in BioCored, so I just keep continuing and going and going. I really wish it was not this weekend though. So many important things going on.

I have a great idea for a Kung Fu related dance piece, for the secret dance company Movement Conservatory. I need to know more Kung Fu to accomplish what I need to make it great. 

I later watched some modern dance pieces and decided my own personal philosophy about modern dance. I used to believe in this "dance for art purposes sake". But now I can barely stomach a few minutes of contemporary modern dance. If it's not flinching and flailing around on the floor, it's crotch shots and overly emotional, or underly emotional feeling. 

I decided if you can't get your point across in 3 minutes or less please don't punish your audience. (This idea is the opposite of what they taught us in school - The senior projects were required to be at least 10 minutes. I did a solo, so it was only 4. Two minutes of that project were unnecessary. Seriously. I hope one of them sees this as well) 

This year I did have the opportunity to teach a 45 minute teen modern class.

It's been hard to fit in warming up, technique, conditioning and choreography.  I have one kid that sees me outside of class for conditioning and technique. All the levels are different, but I think it will be fairly decent for a piece of REAL choreography on neuro typical kids.